A hypertonic—or overly tense—pelvic floor can affect anyone! It’s a condition that can greatly impact the quality of your life if left untreated, and fortunately, it is 100% treatable!
How do you know if you have a hypertonic pelvic floor? Painful sex is a big indicator.
Other indicators are difficulty inserting tampons or toys, having UTI like symptoms, difficulty peeing or pooping.
The first step in treating it is identifying the cause! Every time you breathe, your pelvic floor and diaphragm—the major muscle of breath located under the lungs—work together to create and regulate pressure within your abdomen. When you inhale, your diaphragm moves down, placing pressure on your abdominal wall and pelvic floor. When you exhale, your diaphragm rises, and the pressure subsides.
If your belly doesn’t move when you breathe, you may be breathing in a way that prevents your diaphragm—and pelvic floor—from depressurizing and relaxing.
Sometimes when muscles become weak, other muscles overcompensate to do the extra work. This can apply to your pelvic floor. If you don’t strengthen the weak muscles of your pelvic floor (and I don’t mean by doing Kegels), the tight muscle will continue to overcompensate and feel tight until you correct muscle imbalances.
If you don’t use the right tools when working through a tight pelvic floor, it can worsen. Imagine changing a tire with the wrong size wrench; try as you might, that tire is not coming off! When we talk about your pelvic floor, the same idea applies. Every vagina is different, and yours may need a different tool (finger, hands, dilators, wands)!
When was the last time you did a self-examination? As the owner of your pelvic floor, you must know it inside and out! Recognizing and pointing out where the problem is or what changed is essential when seeking out treatment!
Remember: a tight pelvic floor is treatable. You are not alone in your pain. You are not alone in your frustration. A pelvic floor physical therapist can offer a treatment plan and solutions to get you back to feeling 100%.
ممارسة الجنس مش يعني ألم
بس اذا كنتو عم تتألمو لا تخافو في علاج
فاذا رح خبركن لما تكون عضلات الحوض ضيقة او متشنجة، وعند ادخال اي من المنظاراو التامبونس او عند ممارسة الجنس. الجسم بهيدي الحالة عم يتعرف ويحس على جسم غريب عم يدخل فتلقائيا وكرمال حمايتك بصير يضغط اكثر
ولأنكم عم بتعانو من عدم التوازن بالعضلات والتشنج رح يتسبب بألم مش طبيعي ومش عادي لان في مشكلة بعضلات الحوض ،
مهما كانت الحالة او الالم، اكيد في علاج، واكيد مش انتو الوحيدين لي عم تعانو . لذلك يمكنكم زيارة معالج مختص